Due to uncertainty regarding future measures to supress the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in European countries including Croatia, all Rijeka Run races are being postponed until 2021.
After the Homo si teć / Rijeka Run Sports and Recreation Festival was postponed to September due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in March 2020, we are now facing further uncertainty about the situation concerning the virus and new measures regarding the organisation of the event. For this reason, the decision was made to postpone the Homo si teć / Rijeka Run Festival of Sports and Recreation to 2021.
In the context of the number of participants and visitors, street races and accompanying events of this Festival cannot be organised in a completely safe way for competitors and participants. Therefore, it has been estimated that the protection of health is more important than this year’s organisation of the event.
To some of the registered competitors, who requested it after the first postponement of the event, the registration fee for participation in the races was refunded during April and May. The possibility of refunding the registration fee is also open to others who will not participate in the event in 2021. For others, who do not request a refund of the registration fee, the paid registration fee will be automatically transferred to 2021.
Rijeka Run races have been international in character for many years, bringing together runners from countries around the world. Other programmes during the event are attended by a large number of citizens of Rijeka, children, people with disabilities and numerous visitors
It is our wish that all competitive and non-competitive races maintain not only the number of participants but also the positive spirit that has been developing among visitors and participants for years. However, as the situation with the COVID 19 epidemic is still not such that Croatia and other European countries are free from danger, we have decided to postpone the races to 2021, i.e. to a period in which measures to supress the development of the coronavirus epidemic will be hopefully completed.
We will announce the new dates of the Rijeka Run races later and on time. The dates will depend on the development of the situation with the virus and the required epidemiological protection measures.