Molo longo Run

Race along Rijeka breakwater

The Molo Longo breakwater of Rijeka was constructed in 1888. After being extended in the 20th century, its total length amounts to 1707 m. For a long period, Molo Longo was used exclusively for customs and port services and was opened to the public only in 2009. Today, Molo Longo is a popular city promenade which features a passenger terminal and additional entertainment and recreational services and facilities. We feel confident this race will show that this is one of the best jogging locations in Rijeka. The Molo Longo run consists of two laps along the breakwater at a total length of approx. 6 km.

Announcement: Molo longo Run

05. April 2025. 10:00 Participants: 97

Age Categories: MU23; MU40; MU50; MU60; M60+ FU23; FU40; FU50; FU60; F60+
Registrations: Via the internet or at the day of the race on the booth, an hour before the start
Before the race: All runners are free to use the changing tents


  • To participate in the race, you are required to pay the entry fee and collect your race number
  • Every competitor receives a race number and race pack
  • Toilet: passenger terminal building
  • The changing tents are protected by volunteers, but the organiser is not responsible for the personal belongings of the participants.
  • By registering for the race, competitors agree that photographs or videos made during the race can be used for the promotion of the project.
  • Competitors participate at their own risk. By registering and paying the entry fee, competitors assume full responsibility for taking part in the race. The organisers are not responsible for any damage, injury or accident that may occur during the race.

Before the race

  • Race packs for the Molo Longo Run can be picked up from the organiser tent in front of the passenger terminal on race day from 08:00 to 09:45.
  • All runners are free to use the changing tents in front of the passenger terminal

After the race

  • Water and fruit will be waiting for the runners at the changing tents.
  • Announcement of the winner is expected at around 11:30'