
Relay race on half marathon course

If you are a team player and would like to try the half marathon course, then our 3x7 km relay race is the ideal choice for you. Find two friends who want to participate and run as a team on the half marathon course, 7 km each. This popular relay race will this year once again show who has the best team.

Announcement: 21st Rijeka Open Relay

13. April 2025. 10:45 Participants: 33

Age Categories: The teams can be female, male and mixed.
Registrations: Online only
Time limit: The time limit for reaching the finish line is 2h 45min. Teams with runners who have not been registered by the athletic judges as having passed all control points will be automatically disqualified and removed from the official standings.


  • To participate in the race, you are required to pay the entry fee and collect your race number
  • Every competitor receives a race number and race pack
  • The changing tents are protected by volunteers, but the organiser is not responsible for the personal belongings of the participants.
  • Toilet: chemical toilets along the course: Gat Karoline Riječke pier / Plumbum / Kantrida
  • By registering for the race, competitors agree that photographs or videos made during the race can be used for the promotion of the project.
  • Competitors participate at their own risk. By registering and paying the entry fee, competitors assume full responsibility for taking part in the race. The organisers are not responsible for any damage, injury or accident that may occur during the race.

Before the race

  • All runners are free to use the changing tents on 111. brigade HV. square.
  • The third leg runners will take a bus to their positions at 14 km from the start. The bus leaves at 10:00 from Riva street, near 111.brigade HV Square.
  • Second leg runners must come to check point 7 km at Molo longo
  • Second leg runners can leave a set of clean clothes in the same bus for later.

After the race

  • After finishing their section at 14 km, third leg runners will be accompanied by volunteers to locations where buses will be waiting for them to return to the city centre.
  • The bus to the city centre leaves at around 11:30.
  • Water and fruit will be waiting for the runners at the changing tents. Snacks will be served at the Trg 128. brigade HV .